About Us

Welcome to Neshanic Station Apiaries, where the bees are beautiful and the beekeepers are smitten. We are a small, family-owned business that provides 100% pure raw local honey from hives located in Somerset and Hunterdon counties in Central New Jersey. Our wildflower honey is never heated to protect its tremendous antibacterial and anti fungal benefits. It is packed with enzymes, minerals and pollen. We harvest our runny honey by hand in July and by December, before the natural crystallization process occurs, we intentionally crystallize it ourselves. Our silky, spreadable raw creamed honey is a treat. We also offer handmade hot process soaps, pure beeswax candles, lip and skin balms, sustainable beeswax wraps and beehive-inspired household products, all made by us with our honey and/or our beeswax. Please join us on our journey on Instagram and Facebook. You'll be smitten, too!